Sunday, March 17, 2013

Happy Saint Patrick's Day!

Oh, the music in the air!
An' the joy that's ivrywhere-
Shure, the whole blue vault of heaven 
is wan grand triumphal arch,
An' the earth below is gay
Wid its tender green th'-day, 
Fur the whole world is Irish on the Seventeenth o' March!
~Thomas Augustin Daly

When Irish eyes are smiling, sure 'tis like a morn in spring.
In the lilt of Irish laughter you can hear the angels sing,
When Irish hearts are happy all the world seems bright and gay,
And when Irish eyes are smiling, sure, they steal your heart away.
~Chauncey Olcott & George Graff, Jr.

Bless you and yours
As well as the cottage you live in.
May the roof overhead be well thatched
and those inside be well matched.
~Irish Blessing~

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