Sure enough...Wait around long enough and the weather changes. Yesterday the air conditioner today sweaters and hats. There are two seasons in Texas...winter and summer. Most of the time summer. So I have been doing a little weed watching. This this thistle was a pretty dandelion flower yesterday afternoon. My nephew thought that was cool. It is the first one I have seen in the yard so guess spring is most definitely knocking on the door. Weeds are very photogenic. I hate to begin mowing the yard again when they start popping up. Some may think they are a nuisance, but I actually think they are pretty and unique. I can never look at these little thistles and not see Flick from A Bug's Life floating across the "canyon". Ah, the tiny little world that exists beneath our feet is extraordinarily beautiful. And as with every change of the season..."Truly, you will weep and mourn over what is going to happen to me, but the world will rejoice. You will grieve, but your grief will suddenly turn to wonderful joy when you see me again" (John 16:20). We will rejoice.

"I was a dandelion puff...Some saw the beauty in me and stooped quietly to admire my innocence. Others saw the potential of what I could do for them, so they uprooted me, seeking to shape me around their needs. They blew at my head, scattering my hair from the roots, changing me to suit them. Yet still others saw me as something that was unworthy and needed to be erased." ~Nicole Bailey-Williams
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