Monday, November 19, 2012

Autumn Hues

I am thankful for all the autumn hues. 

The changing seasons are perfectly timed. Right now outside the leaves are transforming. Everyday brilliant, new colors fill the branches.  The spring green has gone silent, however, we get to view the most spectacular palette. Reds, yellow, oranges and gold prepare the way for fall festivities. Here the sun sets a little sooner, and its fiery glow lingers low on the horizon. Soft golden leaves flutter in the crisp evening air and then drift effortlessly to the ground. Now the golden light gives way to the night, and the chill of winter approaches. It is all beautifully designed and programmed. God knew what He was doing. Enjoy the glorious fall foliage and have a Happy Thanksgiving!

"There is a time for everything, and everything
on earth has its special season" ~Ecclesiastes 3:1

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