Wednesday, August 1, 2012

Gator Swamp

Upon visiting the bird marshes a few days ago a gentleman and his two children told my nephew and I that someone had spotted two alligators there. I had been at the marshes before and had never seen any at this particular location. Another couple was out watching the birds as we passed them on the pier. My nephew asked if they had seen an alligator. They replied that they had not and that maybe he would find one. He proceeded to find a spot to sit and watch birds at the end of the pier. I stopped to photograph some unusual plants and a few other interesting creatures. As I rounded the last corner toward the end of the pier...I stopped...slowly from underneath the pier came this massively large object. It looked like a submerged submarine. My nephew is talking away at me not looking down into the water. He was sitting too close to the railing with his hands flapping everywhere. Finally I got his attention on the beast in the water. These pictures just don't do him justice.

"...I know it's hard when you're up to your armpits in alligators 
to remember you came here to drain the swamp." 
~Ronald Reagan

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